Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

Evanescence …

November 7, 2023

…. not Schweppevesence.

Okay, so a while ago I came across Amy Lee, who was the lead singer for the band “Evanescence”.  I came across her while listening to the soundtrack to “The Punisher (2004)”, with the song “Broken”, which made my list of songs that I considered to be better than songs by the Beatles and so is one of my favourite songs.  Years passed and I had heard a couple of songs of theirs, and then for a reason that I can’t remember — I heard either “Broken” or another song of Evanescence’s and was reminded of it — I decided to try to find a list of their songs on Youtube.  And I found one, and listened to it.  And then when I tried to have it running while doing other things when I didn’t want to watch TV and didn’t want to listen to a CD, I hit a case where the Youtube ads were really, really annoying.  They interrupted things about every song or two, but even worse interrupted them with ads that were minutes long that they expected me to skip if they bored me, but when I’m doing other things I don’t want to have to pay attention to that and wander over every so often.  So while I think I had been looking around for a “Greatest Hits” CD from them, I intensified my search for it … and couldn’t find one, at least on Amazon.  And I didn’t want to just buy a regular album of theirs because those are always hit or miss, where you might really like one song and hate the others.  The ur-example for me for this is Sloan.  I love the song “Underwhelmned” but when I bought the CD that it was on that was the only song on the CD that I actually liked.  So I didn’t listen to Evanescence much for a while.

But I also had to figure out a way to get rid of all of those horror and other DVDs that I had that I was never going to watch.  I had originally planned to try to sell them at some kind of garage sale — my town has an annual town-wide one in the summer — but I missed it this year and wasn’t sure if I wanted to do that.  But then I found a store that would take in my old stuff and give me store credit on getting different things.  So I brought one box to them and they gave me a surprisingly large amount for that box … but most importantly they took almost everything.  Sure, if I had sold it myself I might have made slightly more and wouldn’t have had to take anything back, and so on that end I’m sure that they made more than sufficient money off of me, but then again I didn’t have to make the effort to sell them myself.  So that seemed good, and the store sold DVDs and CDs and even records, which is a wide variety of things.  So I brought them my last box and looked around for stuff to get … which included Evanescence CDs.  Now, they didn’t have a “Greatest Hits” CD, but they had a couple of albums and I figured that since I was just using store credit from the stuff I hadn’t wanted anymore it was worth a shot (which is also why I picked up “Ah-ha!”).  So I ended up getting “Fallen” and “The Open Door”.  Both of them had songs that I recognized off the top and remembered liking — “Bring Me to Life” and “My Immortal” for “Fallen”, “Call Me When You’re Sober” and “Lithium” for “The Open Door” — and so I knew that I wouldn’t hate the entire CD, which made it worth trying.

Now you may wonder why I was buying CDs.  Am I some kind of backwards technophone who has not moved up to digital music?  Well, it turns out that I don’t listen to CDs much anymore.  I listen to them while driving to work or on a longer trip because my vehicle has a convenient CD player and is not convenient for digital music, but in general what I do is burn the CDs to MP3s or whatever that is and then copy it to my various USB drives, and then listen to my entire collection that way.  So I get a full album which may allow me to find songs that I like that I wouldn’t get if I just bought individual songs, and I get to keep the CDs to listen to in my various CD players as well if I want to.

And these albums confirmed that a) sometimes I like songs that I wouldn’t hear if I just followed the popular songs or the ones I’ve heard and b) that albums are often inconsistent at least wrt what I like.

So I started by plunking these into my CD player and trying to listen to them all.  I actually started with “Ah-Ha!” and then decided that I really wanted to focus on the “Evanescence” instead and stopped in the middle.  I started with “Fallen” and … I really, really liked it.  Then I tried “The Open Door” and was … underwhelmed.  If that’s a word.  But the interesting thing is how that worked out.  Even though I had heard three songs — “Going Under” was on the “Greatest Hits” list in addition to the two already mentioned — I ended up pretty much liking every single song on the CD.  This was in contrast to “The Open Door” where while I didn’t hate the songs they didn’t impress me, despite there being at least two more songs that I had heard (“Sweet Sacrifice” and “Good Enough”).  So I found myself wanting to listen to “Fallen” repeatedly like I do with good CDs and not really feeling like listening to “The Open Door”.  Both will go into my normal playlist when I get them burned, but I definitely liked “Fallen” much better.

The song “Hello” on “Fallen” also hit the situation where when I am just half-paying attention to the lyrics I get surprised by them.  The first case I remember is from “Porcelain” by “Better Than Ezra”:

Well I wish I could kill you, savor the sight
Get into my car, drive into the night
Then lie as I scream to the heavens above
That I was the last one you ever loved 

So, a surprise that was really dark and disturbing, especially given that it was pretty much an incredibly beautiful love song up until that point.  The other example was more darkly humourous, which was “The Last Drink” from “The Odds”:

You were never big on conversation
And that hasn’t changed since your cremation

In “Hello”, I actually got a surprise that was both very disturbing and yet also darkly humourous:

Has no one told you she’s not breathing? 

I also really love the way the song is done and think it is beautiful and very well sung.

But as you might guess, at least “Fallen” is very, very dark and depressing.  The most “upbeat” song might be “My Last Breath”, which is, well, about her holding in her last breath while she says goodbye to her love as, well, she’s going to die.  Yeah, it’s a good thing I don’t depress easily, or else listening to the entire CD multiple times a day would end up doing that to me.

But I really like “Fallen” and can tolerate “The Open Door”, so they were worth getting.

Wait, What About Music?

July 18, 2023

So, I noted that I might seem to watch a lot of TV because I frequently use that to have some kind of background noise while I do other things.  But then one might ask “Wait, isn’t there some else that you can and do use for background noise?”.  Given that about three years ago I talked about good it was to get music back, one might be forgiven for wondering why I would use TV so much when I could just use music instead, and also if I’m even listening to music anymore.  So let’s break it down.

The first thing to note is that music doesn’t work for a number of the things that I have the TV on for.  The biggest one is while I’m playing video games, because they all have their own soundtracks and so putting something on that’s just for sound would mean that I’d be missing out on one of them for certain, and that would usually be the non-video-game source of sound, which would make it pointless.  When the TV is on, I only hear its sound as a background and so can focus on the sound from the video game, except in exceptional circumstances (like a home run).  In fact, while playing Dragon Age Origins I had the TV on and the sound off because otherwise the TV’s sound would overwhelm the sound from my smaller laptop and so I wouldn’t be able to hear the game at all.

Which leads to the second reason music wouldn’t work there, which is that what I really want is not just background noise, but something to look up at every so often.  With video games, I already have the video game soundtrack as noise, so it’s just something different to look up at when things are dull during the game that drives my desire to have the TV on.  This is particularly important for the half hour a day where I play Ring Fit Adventure since in a number of cases — like the opening stretching — I don’t need to look at the screen and don’t care about what’s on it and so it’s nice to be able to look at something more interesting.  But in a game like TOR it’s also nice for time like when I’m taking a speeder out to the next area or when I hit a loading screen.

This also works well while I’m working from home or writing a blog post.  Yes, it’s the case that in general I am more focused while writing a blog post and don’t need it as much, but while working at any time while I’m compiling or installing or in a boring meeting it’s nice to be able to look up from that screen and look at, um, a different screen.  This is especially the case for boring meetings since I couldn’t really have music on the background since I might have to talk and if it was loud enough people would notice, but I can mute the TV and still be able to look at it (and hear what the people in the meeting are saying) and so it works to relieve my boredom in a way that music couldn’t.

Music also has another potential problem, one that also makes me prefer cable TV and streaming services to DVDs at these times.  See, if I have them on while doing other things, what I really, really want to avoid is having to stop what I’m doing to change a DVD … or a CD.  Especially a CD, since a DVD is usually at least an hour and a half long while a CD is usually at most an hour and a half long.  And the CD player I have now doesn’t auto-repeat, so I would have to change the CD fairly frequently, which is the last thing I want.  Now, I do have another option since I have almost all of my CDs copied to USB, but the speakers I have for that are in my office, which means that I’d have to play them from there, which I noted three years ago meant that it was a bit loud and it was hard for me to hear anything else while it was running.  And I’d still have to stop or mute it if I ever had to take a work call.  So TV gives me something to look up at and so more than just something to listen to, generally runs without my needing to change anything for a longer period of time, and is about as difficult to deal with if something interrupts me.  So TV wins out.

Now, that being said, are there any times when I listen to music instead?  As it turns out, yes.  The first is when I’m doing my weekend reading while doing laundry.  The reason for that is that I want to pay attention to what I’m reading and TV has always been a bit too distracting for that.  It may fade into the background a lot, but at semi-regular intervals it will have something on it that I want to pay attention to and so draw my attention there, which doesn’t work while I’m reading a philosophical or classic work since I want it to have my mostly undivided attention, which is also why doing the reading while I’m doing laundry works well since it gets about an hour at a stretch where at most I’m looking at the clock to get its point across or interest me.  The second case is when I’m working from the office when other people are also working from the office.  I really need some strong sound to drown out other conversations, it’s difficult to have something to just look up at since it’d all have to be on the only screen I have access to, and I can look around more at other things — like the view from my window — than I can from home.  I also listen to music while driving to and from the office since watching something else would … not be recommended.

So, I still listen to music regularly.  But at the times when I’m doing other things, usually I want the TV on just to be able to have both background noise and something to look at in the background when I’m able to look up.  Which is why the TV is on more than the music, when it used to be the exact opposite.

I’m not supposed to care …

January 20, 2021

So as I mentioned quite a while ago, I really like the Gordon Lightfoot song “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”, from way back when if I recall correctly we studied it in school as an example of a ballad in English class (I think it was later, but that in a different English class — at university this time — was what got me interested in “The Lady of Shalott” and Loreena McKennitt).  At one point I came across a collection of Gordon Lightfoot songs on CD, bought it, listened to it … and decided that the only song on it that I liked was “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”, and didn’t listen to the CD anymore.  I copied the song off onto cassette to listen to with a bunch of other of my favourite songs — including a version of the Imperial March — and put the CD aside.

And then my CD player gave up the ghost.

I had a very, very difficult time finding a replacement for my 5 CD stereo, and so eventually just gave up on that.  I bought a radio that could run on batteries in case I lost power — and, soon after, actually did lose power for several days where listening to the news let me know what the heck was going on — and then decided to convert some CDs to MP4s and supplement that with some game soundtracks for music that I could listen to at work and at home in my multiple MP4 players (a Blu-ray player and multiple PCs/laptops).  And then not this past Christmas break but the one before that I decided to actually go through all of my CDs and burn them all to USB drives to listen to, and managed to make use of them for about the month before the lockdown happened and TV became more useful (and, also, I had left them at work).  In the summer, I got them back and the TV was becoming less interesting, and so I started listening to them more.

Now, a bit before that I had bought and assembled a TV stand thing to put on the wall in my living room where nothing else was, and then mostly for decoration I picked up one of those replica Victrola radio/CD player/record player (yes, record player)/cassette things.  And when I tested out the radio it was set to a radio station that played a good mix of songs and a lot of the songs that I remembered from my childhood.  And since while I was off in December listening to songs on my computers was less convenient than listening to the radio, I listened to the radio a lot, and indeed tend to keep listening to the radio when I’m working on things like the blog in my room because it’s a good mix of music and isn’t filling the room, and isn’t taking up computer cycles.

And that rekindled my interest in Gordon Lightfoot.

I think they were playing other songs of his as well, but one that I heard the most was “Sundown”, which I remembered from my childhood again, and remembered that I had liked it.  And so I decided to give the CD another try in the slack time between the end of my current disk of “Doctor Who” and the time “Super Password” comes on and/or I quit for the day to go do “Ring Fit Adventure” and my afternoon/evening stuff.  But I wasn’t sure if I would be able to take it, so I mixed it in with some Enya (which I either was or thought I had been introduced to by a suite mate in university residence my second year) and since I always put Windows Media Player on shuffle I figured I’d get a good mix (this will be important for later).  The set always starts with “Orinoco Flow”, and Windows Media Player is being balky and so hasn’t downloaded the information to tell me what each song is.  This will, again, be important later.  Also, I don’t remember that song from university, but instead from a TV commercial for a local mall that happened to align pretty well with the “sail away!’ part of the lyrics.

Anyway … I like more Gordon Lightfoot songs now, and don’t think that CD only has one good song on it.  The one I actually remember is the one that provided the title for this post.  But while I’m not going to claim that I like all of the songs, I don’t really remember one that I absolutely hate, which is thus a far cry from the impression I had of it when I first listened to it.  Has my musical taste matured over the years?  Unlikely, since the song that spawned my recent interest in Gordon Lightfoot was one that I was interested in because I liked it as a kid.  Could it be just that the CD was front loaded with songs that I didn’t like, and by the time I was past them I had given up on the CD?  Possibly, especially in light of the thing that all of those previous notes were hinting at:

I have no idea if “Sundown” is actually on my collection of Gordon Lightfoot songs.

I don’t recall hearing it, but Media Player’s shuffle doesn’t create a random list of songs, but instead shuffles mostly in place, so there’s no guarantee that it will pick that song, and I only listen for about an hour or two and so it might not have picked it.  I also listen to it while working and while doing other things so it’s entirely possible that it did come on and I didn’t notice it.  I can’t check to see if it’s listed on the CD’s listing in Media Player because, again, Media Player is being balky in identifying them (I really have no idea how it decides when to load them and when not to).  And I can’t be bothered to dig up the CD to check.  Eventually, I will settle this, but for now it’s a strange puzzle.

Anyway, after at least deciding that I didn’t care for Gordon Lightfoot, I have now discovered that I at least kinda do.  Make of that what you will.

All I Want For Christmas is Spoo

December 21, 2020
I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want some for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is spoo, yeah
I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
And I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don’t need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won’t make me happy
With a toy on Christmas Day
I just want some for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is spoo
Spoo, baby
Oh, I won’t ask for much this Christmas
I won’t even wish for snow
And I’m just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won’t make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won’t even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeer click
‘Cause I just want some here tonight
Sighing softly through the night
What more can I do?
Baby, all I want for Christmas is spoo
Spoo, baby
Oh, all the lights are shining so brightly everywhere
And the sound of children’s laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa, won’t you bring me what I really need?
Won’t you please bring my dinner to me?
Oh, I don’t want a lot for Christmas
This is all I’m asking for
I just wanna see my order
Sitting right outside my door
Oh, I just want some for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby, all I want for Christmas… is spoo
Spoo, baby

The Music’s Back

August 28, 2020

So I’ve been working from home since March. What I had noticed is that I wasn’t listening to music at all, even while working. There were a few reasons for this. The first was that while I generally listened to music at work to generate noise, at home I tended to do that through the TV since it also gave me something to look at. The second was that to generate that noise I was watching TV shows like Dark Shadows and Smallville, and running them well into the afternoon, so I didn’t have that much time to listen anyway. The third is that setting up music to listen to while working from home was more difficult than it was otherwise, because I had generally listened to music with headphones on from a USB drive but the docking station at work had more slots available than what I have at home, so it would be more of a problem, and I certainly didn’t want to be using headphones while sitting in my office. The fourth is that at the time I didn’t really have any other good way to listen to music, as I didn’t have a place to put my own laptop and my DVD players and consoles didn’t do shuffle that well and my CD player only played one CD at a time (I did do it briefly with a Kylie Minogue CD and the radio, but not for any length of time). And finally, I had left the USB drives that had almost all of my music on them at work, leaving a decent but impoverished selection of music on USB drives at home, reducing me to CDs that I could listen to one at a time.

But recently, things changed.

The first thing that changed was that in July I picked up a replacement laptop and reorganized the room where I work and keep all my computer stuff. I cleared off an old desk that I had and bought a small monitor to put on it. This let me keep one of my own computers there while keeping my work computer on my other desk. It also allowed me to take the two speaker sets that I had for my computers and set one up on each desk. So now I’d have a set-up that could play music even while I was working and had the work computer set up. The second thing is that we had an all-staff meeting and the person handling the facilities for us commented that if we needed anything to just ask, so I asked them to ship my USBs here, meaning that I had pretty much my full set of music back in a form that I could play on the computer. And finally, various sports seasons started up again and had games in the afternoons, which meant that putting on a show and running it until 3 or 4 wasn’t going to work as well since I’d definitely want to stop and watch the hockey game (mostly).

So I’ve ended up with a new routine: in the morning, I watch a few game shows that I want to watch or at least can tolerate watching until they run out (at about 10). Then I boot up my old laptop — which is the one that typically sits on that other desk — and start listening to music from it until some point in the afternoon or evening, at which point I stop and usually watch DS9. This sometimes even carries on through the weekend, although less so because I spend less time simply sitting at a computer on the weekend and so TV works a lot better (there are more cases where I really want to stop and look at things).

So I’ve gone from almost never listening to music to listening to it pretty much every time, and enjoying it. How quickly things can completely change for me.

31 Songs …

April 24, 2020

John Scalzi put up a set of 31 songs under a 30 day challenge. Since he includes the criteria and I’m big on music, I thought it might be fun to try to fill them all in for myself. I’m not going to listen to them because the time I would listen to music — while working — is being taken up by “Dark Shadows”, and I’m not going to find videos of them because looking at videos is quite discouraged in my work set-up, so I’m just going to list the titles, and I’m going to avoid repeating songs:

1. A song you like with a color in the title: “Back in Black” by AC/DC
2. A song you like with a number in the title: “99 Red Balloons” by Nena
3. A song the reminds you of summertime: “Summer of 69” by Bryan Adams
4. A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget: “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” by Meatloaf
5. A song that needs to be played loud: “Hell’s Bells” by AC/DC
6. A song that makes you want to dance: “She Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DC (this one was difficult because my mood triggers a desire to dance to a song, not the song itself)
7. A song to drive to: “Drive” by The Cars (taking the punny option here)
8. A song about drugs or alcohol: “Demon Alcohol” by Ozzy Osbourne
9. A song that makes you happy: “Eat My Brain” by the Odds
10. A song that makes you sad: “Where the Wild Roses Grow” by Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue
11. A song you never get tired of: “Ride On” by AC/DC (there are a ton of options here, as I have a tendency to like what I like and like it repeatedly long beyond the point where others would have gotten tired of it)
12. A song from your pre-teen years: “Fantasy” by Aldo Nova (it was on one of the first records I ever owned and I was reminded of it while playing Saint’s Row the Third)
13. A song you like from the 70s: “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC (a bit of a trend here, it seems [grin])
14. A song you’d love to be played at your wedding: “The Way You Look Tonight” by Ric Ocasek (I used “Drive” already, and this one does work for a wedding)
15. A song you like that’s a cover by another artist: “Land of Confusion” by Disturbed (assuming he means that you like the cover, since I like that cover better than the original, although I do like both)
16. A song that’s a classic favorite: “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler (I think that counts)
17. A song you’d sing a duet with someone on karaoke: “Falling in Love Again” by Michael Stanley (which was also on the first record I ever owned)
18. A song from the year you were born: “Spiders and Snakes” by Jim Stafford (listened to it a lot when I was young, oddly)
19. A song that makes you think about life: “Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are” by Meatloaf
20. A song that has many meanings for you: “Electric Barbarella” by Duran Duran (the actual meaning of the song, a link to the movie, and a link to a BSG PBF game)
21. A song you like with a person’s name in the title: “Amanda” by Boston (being reminded of this song got me to buy that CD)
22. A song that moves you forward: “Walk of Life” by Dire Straits (assuming that he means motivates you, and “Ride On” was already used)
23. A song you think everyone should listen to: “Porcelain” by Better Than Ezra (mostly because of the interesting aesthetic it has)
24. A song by a band you wish were still together: “You Might Think” by The Cars (most of the bands I really like either are still together or I have no idea of their status)
25. A song you like by an artist no longer living: “Emotion in Motion” by Ric Ocasek
26. A song that makes you want to fall in love: “I Want to Know What Love is” by Foreigner
27. A song that breaks your heart: “Love to Love You” by The Coors
28: A song by an artist whose voice you love: “Broken” by Seether featuring Amy Lee (I like Amy Lee’s voice)
29: A song you remember from your childhood: “I’ve Done Everything For You” by Rick Springfield
30: A song that reminds you of yourself: “Underwhelmed” by Sloan (this one was kinda obvious)
31: A song you wanted to put into the list but didn’t otherwise get to: “Save a Prayer” by Duran Duran (if I actually stopped to think about it, the list would be very, very long, so this is one of the first that came to mind)

I didn’t take much time to think about it, but I think it worked out pretty well, and was kinda fun.

Where’s the Music Gone?

July 22, 2019

I noticed something odd recently. In general, I’m a big fan of music. It’s about the only art form that I consistently enjoy other than literature. I used to listen to music constantly whenever I was at home as background noise. I’m addicted to video game soundtracks. I have an entire set of channels of music videos to have on in the background while doing other things. I’ve copied my entire CD collection to a USB drive to listen to at work. In general, I’ve had music on pretty much constantly whenever I’m doing pretty much anything.

Except lately.

Lately, I haven’t listened to music much at all. I noticed that I hadn’t listened to any music — all of my CDs are on a USB drive because my CD player broke — for months. I then listened to music for about an hour just because I was reminded that I should. I also noticed that I hadn’t watched that video channel for months and then put it on for a couple of sessions just because I was reminded that I hadn’t, and haven’t done it since. At work, because of my watching Voyager and then wanted to re-watch the SF Debris videos on it I haven’t been listening to music and instead have been watching — or, rather, mostly listening — to his videos. I played the Suikoden III intro a couple of times when I wanted to drown out background noise and didn’t want to start another video. But I hadn’t been listening to music that much at work for months previously anyway. About the only time I still listen to music is while driving, and that pretty much ends up being either Duran Duran’s Greatest Hits or The Cars’ Greatest Hits, where I listen to one of them for months before switching to the other one.

So why am I not listening to music as much anymore? Well, as pointed out above, I’ve substituted video in for that, mostly to give me something to watch when I look up from whatever I’m doing or need to take a short break to wait for something. Music doesn’t work that way. It’s great at — and, to be honest, generally better at — drowning out background noise, but that’s all it does. If I’m reading or playing a game or waiting for a compile all that it’s doing is drowning out the background noise. It doesn’t do anything to keep me occupied or entertained in slow periods. Sure, it also doesn’t distract me from what I’m doing either — this is one reason why videos aren’t as good when I’m merging code, as they distract me from doing that at times while music keeps me for being bored out of my skull without distracting me — but for the most part I can do things while having at least TV shows on in the background (the SF Debris videos are more distracting but do work for the most part).

To be honest, this has been happening more and more over the past few years. It’s just been pretty dramatic lately. And is something I noted because, again, I used to listen to music all the time, and now rarely do it if I’m not driving somewhere. It’s just … odd.

All my scheduled games are PC now.

November 30, 2016

(Loosely to the tune of “All My Rowdy Friends” by Hank Williams Jr.)

All my scheduled games are PC now
That I can only really play in the middle room
So I can’t really play while watchin’ TV
While sitting in the living room

I myself have seen my console days
And those games are still at the top of the page
When I need to find a game just to play around
But none of them are scheduled right now
And all my scheduled games are PC now

And I think I could play a Persona game
But I’ve got too many games from Good Old Games
So many that I can’t keep ’em straight

And even though I’m home more these days
See none of them are scheduled right now
And all my scheduled games are PC now

And the leftovers annoy more then they used to
And Bloodlines and TOR took the place of Wii and PS4
And it seems like I really don’t do things quite like I used to do
And none of those are scheduled right now
And all scheduled games are PC now

Yeah, I think I could play Fatal Frame
But those Good Old Games don’t cost a lot of cash
Don’t crash like they did back in 2008

And right now I’m a Toreador playin’ in L.A.
And none of those games are scheduled now
‘Cause all my scheduled games are PC now

It’s Magic …

November 23, 2016

Dinner, it turns me upside down
Dinner, dinner, dinner
It’s like a merry go round
I see it under the midnight
All steamers and bowls
High pans with the meat a sizzlin’
A tempermental glow

Oh, think it’s time to go
Oh, I’m gonna have some spoo
I’m gonna have some spoo
I’m gonna have some spoo tonight
Oh, I’m gonna have some spoo
I’m gonna have some spoo (I’m gonna have some spoo)
I’ll check

(Oh oh it’s magic) when I eat spoo (oh oh it’s magic)
(Oh oh it’s magic) just a little magic
You know it’s true
I’m gonna have some spoo

Oh, twisted under sideways down
I know I’m getting twisted
And I can’t calm down
I see it under the midnight
Love darts in my eyes
How far can I take it?
‘Till I realize
There’s magic in my eyes

I’m gonna have some spoo
I’m gonna have some spoo
I’m gonna have some spoo tonight
I’m gonna have some spoo
I’m gonna have some spoo
(I’m gonna have some spoo) yeah, yeah, uh

(Oh oh, it’s magic)
Oh oh, when I have spoo
(Oh oh, it’s magic)
Just a little bit of the magic
Pulls me through
I’m gonna have some spoo

I’m gonna have some spoo
I’m gonna have some spoo
(I’m gonna have some spoo)
Just try, it’s magic
(Oh oh, it’s magic)
Oh oh, it’s magic
When I eat spoo (oh oh, it’s magic)

Just a little bit of magic inside of you (Oh oh, it’s magic)

Just a little bit of magic
That’s true, when I eat spoo
(Oh oh, it’s magic)
(It gotta be magic)
Your magic pulls me through
Oh oh, it’s magic
(Oh oh, it’s magic)

Why Can’t I Have Spoo?

November 16, 2016

I’ve been watching Babylon 5 and listening to The Cars lately, and it has inspired another song parody:

My dreamy lips, set in motion, flashing
Their breathless hush, poundin’ soft, lasting
Oh glossy mouth, a taste untamed, moving
Carousel, up and down
Just like spoo

Oh baby
Just one more time to touch spoo
Just one more time to eat spoo
It’s on my mind
Baby, why can’t I have spoo?
It’s breakin’ my heart in two
You know what I’m goin’ through
Oh baby, why can’t I have spoo?

Oh candy smile, all the while, glinting
Your eyes like mica, a lethal pout, hinting
(Felt the pressure)
Oh and I felt the pressure, tight and warm, softly striking
(Oh tripped and stumbled)
Oh I tripped and stumbled
I cling forever
I’ll eat tonight

Oh baby
Just one more time to touch spoo
Just one more time to eat spoo
I think I’m blind
Baby, why can’t I have spoo?
It’s breakin’ my heart in two
You know what I’m goin’ through
Uh oh baby, why can’t I have spoo?

(Baby) oh baby (why can’t I have spoo?) why can’t I have spoo?
You know what I’m goin’ through
(It’s breakin’ my heart in two)
It’s breakin’ my heart, breakin’ my heart
(Don’t know what I’m gonna do)
(You’re breakin’ my heart) breakin’ my heart
(Baby) oh baby (why can’t I have spoo?) I need spoo
(You know what I’m goin’ through)
It’s breakin’ my heart (it’s breakin’ my heart in two)
Oh baby, I need spoo so much, I need spoo, much
(Don’t know what I’m gonna do)
(You’re breakin’ my heart)
(Baby) oh baby (why can’t I have spoo?)
(You know what I’m goin’ through)